Saturday, January 22, 2011

ASHLEY WOOD( クロスオーバー)Kurosuōbā BONBONE

Ashley wood -- one of my favourite painter that always inspired me with his acrylic paintings. I did an acrylic painting back to my highschool life and thats the only one acrylic paints in my life so far. But i still keeping an extra canvas and im gonna do something on it nicely (because the canvas cost expensive).But so far i still do not have any idea for it.

Bonbone is a character from megaman and i like the combination of the primitive shapes and i think its good for me to study how to paint simple shape in perspective. Trust me, this kind of practise will never end althought you are a 3D CG artist that always facing with a lot of primitive polygons but it doesn't mean that you can really paint it out nicely.